Meet SynVivo at MPS World Summit in Seattle
Booth #87
Meet us at our booth to learn more about out Organ-on-Chip capabilities

Join the Educational Workshop
Monday, June 10, 2024 | 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Track 1 –Vascularized Organ-on-Chip Models for Drug Safety and Efficacy Testing
Explore the latest techniques for producing and standardizing vascularized on-chip models as cellular platforms for drug safety, efficacy testing, and pathological studies with SynVivo. We’ll discuss Vasculature, Tumor, Lung ALI, Blood-Brain Barrier, and Inflammation-on-Chip models, along with the types of biological questions you can answer and common assay readouts.

Gwen Fewell, PhD.
President & CEO

Deborah Ramsey, PhD
Director of Scientific Development