We are proud that the editors of the Journal of Controlled Release have selected a new paper from SynVivo CTO, Prabhakar Pandian, Ph.D, and his colleagues as the cover of this prestigious journal publication. The paper describes the team’s work to reproduce a realistic and dynamic tumor microenvironment and it’s use in screening drug delivery systems. The studies were performed using the SynVivo co-culture microfluidic cell-based assay device whereby they created an in vitro tumor microenvironment encompassing circulatory flow in the vessels, transport across the leaky vasculature near the tumor region, and real-time visualization of drug delivery to 3D culture of tumor cells.



Synthetic Tumor Networks for Screening Drug Delivery Systems.
Authors: B. Prabhakarpandian, MC Shen, J. Nichols, C. Garson, I. Mills, M. Matar, J. Fewell, K. Pant.
J Control Release., 2015, 201, 49-55. doi:10.1016/j.jconrel.2015.01.018